Monday, January 19, 2009


It is a tremendous thing to have the day celebrating the life of America's foremost civil rights advocate the day before the inauguration of its first African-American President. It seems like a topic so rich for discussion: is the Obama Presidency the culmination of the civil rights effort? Is it realization of Dr. King's dream? Is it the end of all dreams deferred?

But who is to address these questions? They receive only the most superficial discussion in the press. And President Obama has responsibilities as its Chief Executive that will probably counsel against an extended analysis of the arc of the struggle for equal rights.

How do we define changes in race relations as they are occurring?


Anonymous said...

Have you received your IPOD in the mail -- I have it insured.

Do you know why our MSN sign-in is your hotmail account? We're having trouble establishing explorer as our browser.

The alledged no snow this week is falling thickly. Fortunately my classes don't start until next week.

What are you taking this semester?

cmb said...

I did receive my ipod, thanks. My classes are Public Int'l Order, US-Asia Relations in the 21st Century, Int'l Trade & Finance, and Foreign Law & Nat'l Security Law. No taking on the big question of the day, huh?

reb47 said...
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reb47 said...

The fact that Obama was elected is indeed a culmination in race relations. But only history will tell what the legacy will be. What if Jackie Robinson batted .198, would he have had the impact on baseball he did, or would the torch have been passed to another.
As I tell my trainees, it's not what you say, but what you do that separates you from the pack.
Stay warm.
Love ya,