1. Pursue knowledge first among all things.
2. Critically analyze all knowledge you encounter no matter what its source, and refuse to adhere to flawed or specious beliefs. Allow for no exceptions.
3. Follow where your intellectual searching takes you, but do not be capricious in your beliefs. Accept something only after making a determined effort to refute it; but, if you cannot do so, accept the information regardless of how difficult and surprising it may be.
This came up when Irene and I were discussing the differences between the United Church of Christ and Unitarian Universalists, and I realized that not only could I not differentiate between those two, but I couldn't articulate the differences between Episcopalians and other Protestant sects. So what had I be doing all those years? Rule #2 violated, I hung my head in shame.
I'm still sorting out the answer to that little puzzle, but I found an illuminating article in Time magazine discussing the true nature of another religious belief--Scientology. It's a long one, but it makes for quick reading. Some of it is absolutely not to be believed. I suppose it's common knowledge that Scientologists are wacky, but I was surprised at exactly how vindictive and avaricious the group truly is.
